Thursday, September 30, 2010


Today’s post is going to be something a little different. As you might have been able to tell I’ve been doing a lot of yoga lately. Lots and lots of yoga.

What I haven’t told you is that I’ve found a yoga studio here in Calgary. My plan was to try at least three or four yoga studios before making a decision but I have fallen in love. The first time I went to the studio I knew that it was right. I just got that feeling. I loved the instructors, the studio and the other yoginis. It just felt right.

I want to say I’ve joined another studio but that’s not completely true. I first did a week long pass and now I have a month long pass. After this month is over I’m going to make a decision on my yoga future.

Since I’ve been doing some my yoga, I figured it was time for a yoga post.

First I’m just going to start with a few points that I’ve noticed lately when practicing yoga:

  • I’ve noticed that over the last few weeks that my legs have got much stronger but my arms and shoulders still need some work. I still find planks extremely difficult to hold for long periods of time. This is one pose I really want to work on.
  • Ever notice sometimes how difficult downward facing dog can be at the beginning of practice but half way through after a difficult pose (eg. runner’s lung) it feels like the best place in the world – love this!
  • I love balancing poses but I find it very distracting when the person who is practicing in front of you is moving too much or making too much noise. I’m not trying to be rude, I’m still not great at some balancing poses and I’m still working to blocking everything else out around me while practicing (especially balancing postures).
  • Finally I have one major yoga pet peeve. People who fall asleep during the final Savasana. Actually, I really don’t care if you sleep or not but please do not snore! See above (I’m still working on blocking everything out around me and the snoring is very distracting).

The second part of this post is I thought I’d make a list of my top three favourite and my top three least favourite yoga poses.

It’s always better to get bad news first right? So lets start with my least three favourite poses.

3. Eagle Pose – I’m not sure why I dislike this pose so much but the cutting off the circulation in both the legs and the arms at the same time just isn’t for me.




2. Bow Pose – I actually really use to like this pose when I first started yoga but now there are just so many other poses that I like and I find when it’s finally time to do some floor poses that this one is just tough on my lower back.



1. Camel Pose – This is my least favourite pose by far. Every time it is mentioned I cringe. This pose makes me exceptionally dizzy and light headed. I’ve been spending more time working on this pose and not giving up so easily but I still dislike it.



My favourite poses:

3. Happy Baby Pose – Love this pose! Not only does it remind me of being younger and more free but it’s also a great stretch and feels great on my spine after a tough yoga class.



2. Savasana – No I do not think this is a cop out. What is better then working your butt off during a tough class then getting to spend the last few mins in Savasana. Getting to feel every part of your body, what parts you worked and what just needs to relax. I adore this pose and don’t think yoga would be the same without it.



1. Tree Pose – My absolute favourite. I love the calm, steady, groundedness of this pose. I love starting a practice with this pose. This pose really helps to clean my mind and help me feel strong.



There are so many other poses that I love I just chose my top three to share with you today. Please let me know if you enjoyed this post and if you’d be interested in more like it.

I’m going to leave you with one of my favourite yoga quotes: ”The beauty is the people often come here for the stretch and leave with a lot more.” – Liza Ciano


~ Katie :)